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Lesbian Family Building in Albany, Rochester, & Syracuse


At Boston IVF’s fertility locations in Albany, Rochester, and Syracuse, we believe that all individuals deserve the chance to become parents.

We felt this way when we first opened our doors in Boston 30 years ago, and more than ever today.

Watch our 2018 Gayby Day video (with sound!) to learn more about our program’s success.

Our Milestones


For 35+ years, our Boston IVF network has paved the way for innovative fertility treatments for same-sex female couples. We were the first fertility center in New England to successfully assist a same-sex female couple to become pregnant. In the process, we also became the first fertility center in New England to assist in a pregnancy where both female partners were legally recognized as birth mothers on a birth certificate.

Today, we continue to offer exciting and effective fertility treatments for same-sex female couples and the highest chance for success.


Your very first step in achieving building your family is to meet with one of our Central New York fertility experts in an initial consultation. During this hour-long appointment, you will meet your Reproductive Endocrinologist in Albany, Rochester, or Syracuse to discuss your medical history, your family-building goals, and your donor sperm options.

You will leave your initial consultation with hope, a plan, and a scheduled appointment for an additional round of fertility testing that will offer crucial insight into developing a treatment plan that meets the shared goals of you and your partner.


At Boston IVF in Albany, Rochester, and Syracuse, each patient or couple is supported by their own fertility team. In addition to your reproductive endocrinologist (fertility doctor), your nurse and financial coordinator will be by your side every step of the way with support. As you move through the process of building your family, your fertility team will offer guidance so that you can feel confident in your decisions and care.

Your physician and nurse will guide you through all treatment and care, from in-office visits to check-in phone calls.

Your financial coordinator is an expert resource and additional support system for navigating fertility insurance coverage. Your financial coordinator will help you make the most of your fertility insurance coverage, and will advocate on your behalf with insurers.

Individuals will also work with our Third-Party Reproduction Coordinator, who assist with the process of finding and connecting with a sperm donor of your choice.


The exciting news for same-sex female couple family building is that you can choose exactly how you’d like to achieve pregnancy; you have options. Our program provides comprehensive services for you to build your family, including:


One of our fertility experts will work with you to determine which option is right for you and your partner, but it’s never too soon to start thinking about some of the important questions that factor into choosing a method of fertility treatment:

  • Whose eggs will you use?
  • Who will physically carry your pregnancy?
  • Would you prefer to use sperm from a friend or relative, anonymous sperm from a sperm bank?
  • Would you and your partner both like to be genetically related to your child (via PAR/Reciprocal IVF)?


Individuals with ovaries can choose to either become pregnant with sperm from an anonymous donor, or with sperm from a friend or family member (known donor). Connecting with an anonymous donor involves connecting with a sperm bank to browse and select from a pool of potential sperm donors.

Our exclusive partnerships with reputable cryobanks  help our patients to choose from a wide array of donors who have undergone thorough and comprehensive screening. Our Third-Party Reproduction Coordinator will help you navigate this simple process, but ultimately it is up to you and your partner (if applicable) to select the donor that you feel is a good fit.


We offer couples outstanding success rates thanks in part to our diagnostic testing. One of your first steps in building your family is to undergo routine diagnostic testing, which allows your fertility expert to identify and address any potential challenges to a successful cycle. Identifying potential challenges early helps you save money, time, and heartache by greatly reducing the chance of failed cycles. Our diagnostic tests for women include:

  • Standard blood draw to assess follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), anti mullerian hormone (AMH), estradiol, and luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • Ultrasound to assess your ovaries, uterus, and follicles
  • Hysterosalpingogram testing (HSG) to assess your uterus and Fallopian tubes


One of the newest and most exciting innovations for same-sex female couples is Partner Assisted Reproduction (PAR). Couples with both individuals interested in a biological connection to their child often choose to undergo PAR together.

In PAR, the eggs from one partner are fertilized with donor sperm in our lab. The resulting embryo is then transferred into the other partner, who then carries the pregnancy to term.

You and your partner will decide together who will provide the eggs, and who will carry the pregnancy.


Chromosomal abnormalities are common in embryos, and they can impede healthy pregnancy for any couple. Many patients choose to undergo genetic screening via PGD or PGS on embryos prior to implantation (via IVF) so that their doctor can eliminate chromosomally abnormal embryos, and implant the embryo(s) most likely to result in successful pregnancy.

Genetic testing is one way we offer couples peace of mind and higher success rates with IVF.


Whether you would like to schedule a consultation with a fertility doctor or just need some basic advice, don’t hesitate to call or email us!